New roommates rock!

February 26, 2009

I have a new roommate, who has two dogs of her own, mini schnauzers Kiba and Stryder.  Lizzie is THRILLED to have playmates her own size, even if Kiba is not really in favor of this whole ‘playing with non-schnauzers’ thing.

Mere (the roommate) is an agility person (yay!) and will be teaching the pre-agility classes that we hope to offer at Dogstar Academy in the future. 🙂 Her guys are both titled in CPE and it’s a lot of fun to see them work.

In other news, we started watching Susan Garett’s 2×2 Weaves DVD and I’ve done Day 1 with Lizzie, and she’s really got it down, with an 88% success rate in the first session! More notes on her progress soon. 🙂

It’s totally not Spitz related – but…

March 24, 2008


Katie, who blogs at, adopted Harvey one year ago today. Harv is a little black senior pit bull who, by all the statistics, shouldn’t have made it out of the shelter. Katie is a really wonderful person (and a gifted writer) and I think she and Harv are pretty darn lucky to have each other.

Harvey sounds like SUCH a character in her posts. You should all go read them. 🙂